

"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2013."

Norah: ...and her hot chocolate on a very cold day (-30C)

If ever you want to see more, here is tow blogs that are doing project 52 as well and have very cute kids: Bleubird vintage and seventy tree.



Basilique du Sacré coeur de Montmartre une journée brumeuse d'hiver.



"A portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2013."

Norah: a little sick and does not want to be photographed (almost ever...).


Les toits de Paris

Les toits de Paris, vu de notre chambre d'hôtel, décembre 2011.

In december 2011, we stopped for a few days in Paris before heading to Tunisia. Here is the view from our hotel window. I know it took me forever to share but a lot more will come soon. Hope you will enjoy this beauty as much as I do. Can't wait to go back.
If you are interested in buying some of my photographs in prints, please do not hesitate to contact me (info@camillepasquin.com).


Here is a few winter scenes viewed through my iphone. you can also follow me on instagram: @_camille.



"A portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2013."

Norah: staring at the immensity of life.

I will TRY to join this great project started by Jodi last year and have a portrait done once a week all year long. It will force me to use my real camera more and take a minute each week to capture time that passes by way to fast. Hope you will enjoy the ride with me.